Winter 2020 Preview
Jim’s of Lambertville 6 B ridge S treet , L ambertville , NJ 08530 609-397-7700 · F ax 609-397-7722 email: info@jimsof www.jimsof lam G allery H ours W ed . - F ri . 10:30 - 5:00 S at . & S un . 10:30 - 6:00 Mercedes Matter (1913–2001) Untitled, Still Life, circa 1949–51 Oil on canvas, 40 x 35 inches Jacob Lawrence (1911–2000) Windows, circa 1977 Gouache on paper 19 x 23 inches Gershon Benjamin (1899–1985) Tommy, circa 1939 Oil on board, 34 x 23 inches
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