Washington Winter Show 2024

Landscape Designer and WWS Advisor Chip Callaway will explore the art of garden restoration with Sir Peter Crane of Oak Spring Garden Foundation, J. Dean Norton of Mount Vernon, and Calder Loth, the retired Senior Architectural Historian for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, on Sunday over Waffles &Mimosas. The 2024 Loan exhibit, Splendor & Surprise: Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens, embodies the theme of our Show. Marjorie Merriweather Post left her Hillwood estate in Northwest Washington, DC to the public, manifesting her vision that art and culture should be accessible to all and ensuring that people from all walks of life could enjoy and learn from her collection. She recognized the importance of preserving and documenting history through her acquisitions. As you will see in the exhibit, Marjorie actively sought out items that held historical significance and made efforts to research and document their origins and stories. By doing so, she contributed to the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations. Her extensive collections continue to inspire and educate, reminding us of the profound impact that a genuine love for art can have on both individuals and society. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO: •  Our Honorary Diplomatic Chair, Her Excellency Dame Karen Pierce, DCMG, British Ambassador to the United States, for her gracious patronage of the Show. •  The WashingtonWinter Show Board of Directors for its inspired leadership and openness to our ideas. •  Founding Board Members Hannah Cox and Helen Curtin and Board President JoAnn Dullahan for giving us the opportunity to serve as WWS Co-Chairs this year. •  Board Member Collette Bruce and Anthony Bruce, who generously opened their home to sponsor the kickoff event for this year’s Show. •  Past Co-Chairs and Board members Stephen A. McLeod & Eleanor McCallie Nading —we so appreciated your guidance! •  Jonathan G. Willen, WWS Executive Director, for his 24/7 commitment, readily available guidance, and good humor and to his exceptional team (Georgina andWill) for administrative support. •  Puffin Travers, WWS Director of Development, for her positive feedback, creative spirit and foresight to build a strong foundation for the WWS’ future with the launching of the Designers’ Circle and the Young Collectors’ Circle. Special thanks to Puffin and Andrew for hosting the lovely cocktail party sponsored by Doyle at their home. •  Dean Zacharias for his guidance and support in all things PR and Social Media. •  Josh Young, Artist-in-Residence, for bringing some avant-garde artistic flair to our Show. •  The Katzen Art Center at American University for providing an excellent facility for our Show. • WWS Advisors William J. Curtin III, Marcia V. Mayo, and Lucy Rhame for their support and wise counsel. • WWS Advisor Amy Porter Stroh for helping us source such incredible speakers for the Design Panel and to the Porter Family Foundation for sponsoring the panel. •  Special thanks to our wonderful WWS PreviewNight Committee and all Committee Co-Chairs and Committee members! We could not have done this without you! It has truly been a privilege to be part of this dynamic organization this year. We hope you all enjoy For the Joy of It: Creating Beautiful Spaces! With much appreciation and gratitude, Suzanne Duvall Stelljes and Kathy M. Prendergast 2024 Co-Chairs 7 This page is sponsored by Jonathan G. Willen in honor of Kathy M. Prendergast and Suzanne Duvall Stelljes