Washington Winter Show 2022
“I know that every dollar I give to this organization is touching families in Southeast on Mississippi Avenue. Know that of all the organizations you can give to in our great city, this organization is bringing hope and joy and change into people’s lives.” “As soon as I could get [the vaccine] in the neighborhood, I jumped at the chance. It was seamless, actually, when I came through the door… Being a Lyft drive, I am still at risk even with mask-wearing. Having the vaccine put me at ease a bit more.” “THEARC is a great place to be a school because it allows us, our staff, our students, our families to really take advantage of all of the great things that our partners do here. There are so many different activities and programs that we’re able to use just by way of being located here, and I love that.” “I’ve been coming [to THEARC] for a little over a year now… The people’s faces when they come through the line are so grateful and so happy. I want to thank Building Bridges for this opportunity that allows us to be volunteers here and to do the work they’re doing here.” Thank you to the Washington Winter Show for your support “I know that every dollar I give t this organization is touching families in Southeast on Miss ssippi Ave ue. Know that of all the organizations you can g ve to in our grea city, this organization is bringing hope and joy and change into people’s lives.” “As soon as I could get [the vaccine] in the neighborhood, I jumped at the chance. It was seamless, actually, when I came t rough the door… Being a Lyft drive, I am still at risk even with mask-wearing. Having the vaccine pu me at ease a bit more.” “THEARC is a great place to be a school b cause it allows u , our staff, our students, our famili s to really take advantage of all of the great things that our partners do here. Th re are so many different activities and programs that we’re abl to use just by way of being locat d here, and I love that.” “I’ve been coming [to THEARC] for a little over a year now… The peopl ’ fac s when they come t rough the line are so grateful and so happy. I want to thank Buildin Bridges for this opportuni y that allows us to be volunt ers here and to do the work they’re doing here.” Thank you to the Washington Winter Show for your support “I know that every dollar I give to this organization is touching fam lies in S u heast on Mississippi Avenue. K ow that f all the organ zations you can give to in our great city, th s organ zati n is bringing hope and joy and change into eople’s lives.” “As soon as I could get [the vaccine] in the eighborhood, I jumped at th chance. I was seamless, actually, when I am through the door… Being a Lyft drive, I am still at risk even with m sk-wearing. Having the vaccine pu me t ease a b t more.” “THEARC is a great place to be a school because it allows us, ur staff, our students, our famil es to really take advantage of all of the great things hat our partners do here. There are so ma y differe t activiti s and prog ams th t we’re abl to use just by way of being located her , and I love that.” “I’ve been coming [to THEARC] for a little ver a year now… The peop e’s faces when they come throug the line are so grateful and so happy. I wa t to thank Building Bridges for this o portunity hat al ows us to be volunteers here and to do the work they’re doing here.” Thank you to the Washington Winter Show for your support “I know that every dollar I give t this organization is touching families in Sou heast on Mississipp Ave ue. K ow that of all the organizations you can give to in our grea city, this organ zation is bringing hope nd joy and change into ople’s lives.” “As soon as I could get [the vaccine] in the neighborhood, I jumped at th chance. It was seamless, actu lly, whe I ame t rough the door… Being a Lyft drive, I am still at risk even with mask-wearing. Having the vaccine pu me at ease a b t more.” “THEARC is a great plac to be a school b cau e it llows u , our staff, ur s udents, our famili s to really take a vantage of all o the great things hat our partners do he e. Th re are so many differe t activiti s and pr g ams th t we’re able to us just by way of being locat d here, and I l ve that.” “I’ve been coming [to THEARC] for a little over a year now… The peop ’ fac s when they come t rough the line are so grateful and so happy. I wa t to thank B ildin Bridges for this opportunity that al ows us t be volunt ers here nd o d th work they’re doing h re.” Thank you to the Washington Winter Show for your support “I know ha every dollar I give to this organization is touching families n Southeast on Missi s ppi Avenue. Know tha f all the organizations you can give o in our g e ci y, his organization is br ing hope and joy and change into people’s lives.” Michelle Freeman, Supporter “As soon as I could get [the vaccine] in the neighborhood, I jumped at the c a ce. It was seamless actually, when I came hrough t e door… Being Lyft driv , I am s ill at risk even with mask-wearing. Having the vaccine put me at ease a bit more.” Karen Pip r, Community Member and Artist “THEARC is a great place to be a school because it allows us, our staff, our students, our families to eally take adv nt ge f all of the great things hat our part ers do here. T re are so many different ac ivities and prog a s tha w ’r ble o use just by way of being loca ed here, and I love th .” Dr. Beth Reaves, Principal Washington School for Girls “I’v b en coming [to THEARC] for a litt e over a year now… Th p ople’s faces when th y come through the ine ar o grateful and s happy. I want to thank Building Bridges for this oppor unity h allows us to be volunteers here and o do the work they’re doing here.” D nise Johns n, Community m mb r and food distribution volunteer Thank you to the Washington Winter Show for your su ort Thank you for helping us BLOOM!
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