Pook and Pook Americana & International Auction 2021
243 907 New York silk on linen sampler, ca. 1829 , with unusual needlework around border, inscribed Elmina Goodnow aged 17 born in Pennfield July 3rd 1812 , 17” x 16”. $800-1,200 908 Connecticut continuous armWindsor chair, ca. 1790 , stamped EB Tracy , with over-upholstered leather seat. Provenance: A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania collection. $500-800 909 Swell bodied copper rooster weathervane, 19th c. , retaining an old gilt surface, 22” h. $1,000-1,500 910 Swing handled basket, late 19th c. , attributed to Rouse Matterson, Saundertown, Rhode Island, 3 1/4” h., 11” w. $300-500 911 New England painted pine hutch table, ca. 1750 , retaining an old black over red surface with oval top, resting on shoe feet, 29” h., 47 1/2” w., 43” d. Provenance: A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania collection. $1,500-2,500 912 Pair of Chippendale brass andirons, 18th c. , probably Rhode Island, with ball and claw feet, 16 3/4” h. Provenance: A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania collection. $400-800 913 New England bowback Windsor side chair, ca. 1800 , with an unusual bowed stretcher. A similar armchair is illustrated in Santore Windsor Style in America , fig. 156. Provenance: A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania collection. $400-600
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