Philadelphia Antiques Show 2022

DOYLE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS NEW YORK CALIFORNIA FLORIDA WASHINGTON DC CHICAGO CONNECTICUT LONG ISLAND MASSACHUSETTS NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA PENNSYLVANIA American Paintings, Furniture, Silver & Decorative Arts Featuring The Christine Biddle Wainwright Collection AUCTION May 4, 2022 EXHIBITION April 30 - May 2, Noon-5pm 175 East 87th Street New York City View Catalogue and Place Bids at DOYLE.COM Thomas Sully, Portrait of Commodore James Biddle, 1839. Chippendale Mahogany Dressing Table, Philadelphia, circa 1775. Luigi Perisco Plaster Bust of Nicholas Biddle. Thomas Fletcher and Sidney Gardiner Pair of Classical Silver Twin-Handled Footed Vases of Historic Importance, Philadelphia, 1832. DOYLE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS NEW YORK CALIFORNIA FLORIDA WASHINGTON DC CHICAGO CO NECTICUT LONG ISLAND MASSACHUSETTS NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA PE NSYLVANIA American Paintings, Furniture, Silver & Decorative Arts Featuring The Christine Bi dle Wainwright Collection AUCTION May 4, 022 EXH B TION April 30 - May 2, Noon-5pm 175 East 87th Street New York City View C talogue and Place Bids at DOYLE.COM Thomas Sully, Portrait of Co m dore James Biddle, 1839. Chippendale Mahogany Dressing Table, Philadelphia, irca 1775. Luigi Perisco Plaster Bust of Nicholas Biddle. Thomas Fletcher and Sidney Gardiner Pair of Classical Silver Twin-Han led Footed Va es of Historic Importance, Philadelphia, 1832.