Objects of Desire 2019
We are a small, boutique Sonoma winery producing Syrah, Grenache, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Roussanne and Viognier. We have elected to prize quality over all other factors. Simply put, we think wine should taste great — with every vintage and every grape, this is our ultimate priority and our greatest motivation. 3352 - D Coffey Lane • Santa Rosa, California 95403 Tel: 707 591 0782 • mail@donelanwines.com • ww w.donelanwines.com Tripp, Joe and Cushing Donelan “...all excellent to outstanding wines that merit serious attention.” ~Antonio Galloni, Vinous We are a small, boutique Sonoma winery producing Syrah, Grenache, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Rouss nne and Viogni r. We have elected to prize quality over all other factors. Simply put, we th k wine should taste great — with e ery vintage and every grape, this is our ultimate priority and our greatest motivation. 3352 - D Coffey Lane • Sant Rosa, California 95403 Tel: 707 591 0782 • mail@donelanwines.c om • www.donelanwines.c om Tripp, Joe and Cushi g Donelan “...al xcellent o outstanding wines that m t serious attention.” ~Antonio Gallo i, Vinous We are a small, boutique S n ma winery producing Syrah, Grenache, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Roussanne and Viognier. We have el ct d to prize quality over all other factors. Simply put, we think wine should tas e great — with every vintage and very grape, this is o r ltimate p o ity and ou g a s motivation. 3352 - D Coffey Lane • S nt Rosa, California 95403 Tel: 07 591 0782 • mail@donelanwines.com • w .donelanwines.com Tripp, Joe and Cushing Donelan “...all excell nt to outstanding wines that merit serious attention.” ~Antonio Galloni, Vinous