Neal Auction 2012
W denotes the lot is illustrated at 211 A American School, 500, 926, 927, 930, 944, 946, 999, 1008, 1206, 1207 American or English School, 7 David Anderson, 1190 James McConnell “Mac” Anderson, 312, 313 Walter Inglis Anderson, 685 Jean Battiste Arnout, 14 John James Audubon, 355-361 B Barbizon School, 224 Ferdinand Barbedienne, 436 Antonia Basoli, 106 James Barry, 13 Francesco Bartolozzi, 16 Piertre de Belleyme, 140 Ernest Bellocq, 336 George Bellows, 8, 9, 10, 205, 206, Eugene Berman, 6 Joan Blaeu (aft.), 195 Merry-Joseph Blondel, 217 Maurice Blum, 850 Germain Boffrand, 272 Francois Bonvin, 197 Francesco Borromini, 37, 38 Jules Frederic Bouchet, 18 Jay Remy Broussard, 994 David Brownlow, 693 William Henry Buck, 342 Horace Bundy, 1145 C Jean-Jacques Caffiere (aft.), 139 L. Cannon, 688 Marco Capinucchi, 136 Henry Casselli, 543 Conrad Wise Chapman, 354 Gustave A. Chassevent- Bacques, 216 Chinese School, 620, 629, 662 Richard Clague, 341 Charles-Louis Clerisseau (attr.), 33 Clodion (style), 462 Continental School, 12, 133, 830, 1077 Ralph Cooksey, 980 Edwin Cooper, 450 George David Coulon, 988 Jacques Courtois, 145 Ralston Crawford, 293, 294 Edward Cresy, 85 W.C. Crymer, 11 Nathaniel Cortlandt Curtis Jr., 683 D Michael Dahl (attr.), 167 Salvador Dali, 280 Randall Davey, 286 Edgar Degas, 194 Alexandri Donati, 220 Alex Alexander J. Drysdale, 318, 343, 369, 966, 969, 970 Alexander J. Drysdale (attr,), 288 George Bauer Dunbar, 538- 541, 1183, 1184 Dutch School, 134 E English School, 7, 283, 502, 848, 849, 875, 1118, 1208 F Fely-Mouttet, 218 Thomas Fern, 1173 Ernest Fiene, 544 Jean Nevitt Flanigen, 1196 Flemish School, 452 Pierre François Leonard Fontaine, 88 Mariano J. M. B. Fortuny y Carbo, 196 Christophe Fratin (aft.), 814, 816 Roland Freart, 219 French School, 15, 17, 34 Antonio Frilli, 21 Maurice Fromkes, 1195 G Giuseppe Gambogi, 248 Lucien Genin, 1075 Aloisio Giovannoli, 152 Rolland Harve Golden, 1193 Anne Wilson Goldthwaite, 1170 Frederick Goodall, 169 Auguste F. Gorguet, 223 Luis Graner y Arrufi, 368 Charles Gruppe, 692 Emile Gruppe, 691 Virginia Gruppe, 691 Simon Gunning, 522, 542, 682 H James Hamilton, 928 Cornelius Haly Hankins, 347 Nina Harper, 974 Colette Pope Heldner, 365, 519, 520, 971 Knute Heldner, 346, 1180 C.N. Hickok, 1000 Josef Hoffman, 193 William Hollingsworth, 964 Emil Eugen Holzhauer, 967, 968 Edward Hopper, 287 Jean-Antoine Houdon (aft.), 138 L.C.Howard, 996 David Aiken Humphrey, 1007 Clementine Hunter, 363, 990, 991 Alfred Hutty, 297, 298 I Cynthia Willard Iliff, 1146 Italian School, 22, 23, 67, 107, 135, 137, 499, 1074 George Izvolsky, 975 J William Henry Jackson, 1147 Allan Jones, 1199 Owen Jones, 83, 84 K Rockwell Kent, 207, 214 Conrad Kiesel (attr.), 434 Haynes King, 451 Alberta Kinsey, 317, 972 Joseph Day Knap, 1175 Ida Kohlmeyer, 296 Peter Kraemer, 560 L George Cochran Lambdin, 399 James Lamantia Jr., 295 Marie de Hoa LeBlanc, 1174 Robert Edmund (Lie) Lee, 981-983 Alphonse Le Gros, 559 Ferdinand Lepié, 435 Ferdinand Levillain, 436 Leon-Charles Libonis, 208 Nikolai-Ivanovich Lieberich, 19 Nikolai-Ivanovich Lieberich (aft.), 20 Louisiana School, 1200 Eugene E. Loving, 684 M Thomas Malton, 273 Heinrich (Henry) Manger, 799 John Marin, 292 William Johanes Martens, 829 J.W.Matthews, 1179 John McCrady, 931 McKim, Mead & White, 87 Joseph Rusling Meeker, 344 Pierre-Jules Mêne, 552 Pierre-Jules Mêne (aft.), 553, 812 Marius-Jean-Antonin Mercie (aft.), 800 Paul Fontaine Mersereau, 978 Jack Meyers, 1201 James Michalopoulos, 572, 963 Michelangelo Buonarroti (aft.), 438 Minnie Robertson Mikell, 976 Sir John Everett Millais, 168 Maurice Millière, 557, 558 Giovanni B. Montano, 151 C. Bennette Moore, 1147 Hippolyte François Moreau, 549 Anne Wells Munger, 1171 N Paul Ninas, 314, 315 David Sinclair Nixon, 1185, 1186 David Noll, 973 Giambattista Nolli, 117 O Michael G. Owen, 1194 P Thomas Paquette, 695 Giovanni Paglia (attr.), 135 Augustin Pajou (aft.), 461 Pio Panfili, 35 Francesco Panini (aft.), 123 Ferdinand Pautrot, 551 Rembrandt Peale (attr.), 353 Charles Percier, 88 Achille Perrelli, 340 Achille Peretti, 291 Jane Peterson, 290 Marie-Joseph Peyre, 266 Bernard Picart, 222 Emile-Louis Picault, 809 Bartolomeo Pinelli, 269 Francesco Piranesi, 118, 147 Giovanni B. Piranesi, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 148, 149, 150, 204 Niek van der Plas, 828, 1076 Victor E. Prouvé, 210 Augustus W.N. Pugin, 177, 178 R Auguste Racinet, 86 William Joseph Rakocy, 1198 Gardner Reed, 316 Guillame Regamey, 209 Robert L. Reid, 285 Paul Renard, 282 Chet Reneson, 979 Ethelinda Robbins, 992, 993 William Robinson, 289 Noel Rockmore, 571, 1187- 1189, 1191, 1192 George Rodrigue, 965 Giovanni G. Rossi, 221 Luigi Rossini, 144 Robert Rucker, 367, 402, 521 John Ruskin, 173, 174, 175, 182, 202 John Ruskin (attr.), 176 Russian School, 132, 680 S Philip Anthony Sage, 1002 Jean-Jules Bernard Salmson (aft.), 817 Alessandro Sanquirico, 36 Henry E. Schnakenberg, 212 Pamela Scholz, 694 Palmer Schoppe, 1006 Adolf Schreyer, 433 Gaston Sebire, 281 Sebastiano Serlio, 271 Joseph H. Sharp, 213 George Shellbase, 689, 690 Jewel Alma Woodard Simon, 1197 Hunt Slonem, 503 Lowell Ellsworth Smith, 1005 Mary Russell Smith, 501 William Thompson Russell Smith, 400 Xanthus Russell Smith, 929 John Soane, 198 Simeon Solomon, 171, 172 Southern School, 989, 1172 Spanish Colonial School, 573-575 Oleg Stavrowsky, 984-986 George Daniel Stevenson. 179, 181 Rhoda Brady Stokes, 987 Dedrick Stuber, 284 T Anna Heyward Taylor, 332 George Taylor, 85 Paul Tchelitchew, 215 Emmitt Thames, 977 C. Thenn, 819 Cephas Giovanni Thompson (attr.), 1144 Mose Ernest Tolliver, 1204, 1205 Philippe Regis Denis de Trobriand, 338, 339 V Georges Lucien Vacossin (aft.), 460 Luigi Valadier I (attr., foll.), 32 Carle Van Loo, 105 Giuseppe Vasi, 122, 141 Marien Vasi, 270 Carlos Vazquez, 681 Elihu Vedder, 211 Augostino Veneziano, 146 Elizabeth O. Verner, 333, 334, 335 George Louis Viavant (aft.), 1001 Giacomo B. da Vignola, 115 W Arthur Waagen, 126 Wiliam Aiken Walker, 401, 942, 943 Horace Devitt Welsh, 945 Benjamin West, 170 Joseph “Pops” Whitesell, 1004 Johannes Wiericx, 108 Bror Anders Wikstrom, 345 David Wilkie, 180 Earnest Williams, 997, 998 G. Wilson, 1202, 1203 Theodore “Fonville” Winans, 337, 362 Mildred Nungester Wolfe, 1176, 1177 Ellsworth Woodward, 366 William Woodward, 364 Richard Worsley, 274 Don Wright, 1178 Frank Lloyd Wright, 199 Jamie Wyeth, 1003 Y Ma Yuan (aft.), 611 Z Niccola Zabaglia, 116 February 4 & 5, 2012 ✹ artist index ✹ artist index ✹ artist index ✹
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