Incollect Magazine - Issue 10

2 Incollect Magazine (ISSN: 2162-4607), vol. 3, issue 4, is published four times a year, Issue 1 (April–June), Issue 2 (July–September), Issue 3 (October–December), Issue 4 (January–March) by Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Contents copyright ©2024 Pure Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved. The advertiser seeking the services of Incollect Magazine and/or Pure Imaging, Inc., will indemnify and save harmless Incollect Magazine and/or Pure Imaging, Inc., and its agents from any liabilities, claims, lawsuits, damages, or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs that may arise out of publication of the advertiser’s/agency ads or materials. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information pre- sented in this issue is accurate and neither Incollect Magazine, Pure Imaging, Inc., nor any of its staff is responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Periodical postage paid at Woburn, MA, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to Incollect Magazine, P.O. Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834-3000. Subscription price is $20 for 1 year and $30 for 2 years (800.783.4903). Printed in the USA. 16 The Daring Ingenuity of Erwan Boulloud 48 By the Book: In this issue, we present three new interior design books, each illustrating a distinctly unique approach to interiors 16 90 66 80 66 ALCHEMY: The Art of Philip and Kelvin LaVerne 72 KAMTIN: The Art of Modern Baroque Furniture 80 Ten Hot Artists: Time to Refresh Your Walls? Here AreTen‘Hot’ Artists for You to Follow 90 Art Deco’s 100th Anniversary