AFA Winter 2017

238 Newbu r y S t r ee t . Bos t on . MA . 02116 . 617 . 536 . 6176 . i n f o@vos ega l l e r i e s . com . www. vos ega l l e r i e s . com V O S E G A L L E R I E S The Artist’s Muse presents over 30 paintings brought into existence in the pursuit of a personal spark of in- spiration. What causes artists to pick up their tools? What is the muse in each painting, and how does the artist’s personal style shape and mold it? Most are ex- amples of what the artist does best, characteristic works which are highly sought by the experienced col- lector. Over time - through the artist’s preference, crit- ical acclaim, and public taste - certain subjects become thought of as the most characteristic, the most iconic works in an artist’s oeuvre. The Artist’s Muse will be viewable online and in the gallery November 25th-De- cember 23rd, 2017, and will be accompanied by a 32 page catalog, $15. Most paintings in the catalog include notes from critics or the artists themselves, a jumping off point that invites the viewer to delve deeper. Sun r i s e by Arthur Prince Spear (1879-1959) Oil on canvas, 44 x 34 1/4 inches, signed and dated lower right: Ar t hu r Sp e a r / 1921