Summer 2017

Jim’s of Lambertville 6 B RIDGE S TREET , L AMBERTVILLE , NJ 08530 609-397-7700 · F AX 609-397-7722 email: Visit our new website at S PECIALIZING IN P ENNSYLVANIA I MPRESSIONIST P AINTINGS ( MAINLY THE N EW H OPE S CHOOL ) G ALLERY H OURS W ED . - F RI . 10:30 - 5:00 S AT . & S UN . 10:30 - 6:00 The Rock Garden, Monhegan Island, c. 1928. Oil on canvas, 38 x 50 inches. * Phillip N. Yates frame. Illustrated on the cover of Edward Redfield: An American Impressionist. EDWARD WILLIS REDFIELD (1869–1965)